Property Details

  • 505,101 square feet of retail
  • Approximately 246,000 people within five miles
  • High traffic site with signalized entrance of Prince William Pkwy (over 42,000 AADT)
  • Excellent visibility and plenty of surface parking
  • Centrally located in a successful, top tier super-regional trade area within the Washington DC area
  • One of the largest shopping centers in Prince William County, Virginia

14085 Shoppers Best Way | Woodbridge, VA 22192



Distance 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles
Population 4,756 49,830 140,349
Average HH Income $121,289 $119,070 $124,532
Daytime Population 17,277 51,479 113,767


Ray Schupp

Ray Schupp

Bradley Buslik

Bradley Buslik

Harper Sigman

Harper Sigman

Sebastian Restifo

Sebastian Restifo


Type Space Name Floor SF Size
Inline BLOCK 1 - 33 - 1,172 SF
Inline BLOCK 1 - 44 - 1,945 SF
Inline BLOCK 3 - 61 - 9,000 SF

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